Do You Have the Features of Testosterone Deficiency?

The Androgen Deficiency in Aging Males (ADAM) questionnaire is an easy way to answer questions about your sexual health, which can help to see if you need your testosterone level checked.

It is an internationally accredited assessment tool which is often used by doctors when making the assessment and diagnosis of Testosterone Deficiency.  A positive result does not necessarily mean that you have a low testosterone level or require treatment, but can be a helpful guide when discussing your symptoms with your doctor.

ADAM Questionnaire

Please answer the questions below.

Step of

1. Do you have a decrease in libido (sex drive)?

2. Do you have a lack of energy?

3. Do you have a decrease in strength and/or endurance?

4. Have you lost height?

5. Have you noticed a decreased "enjoyment of life"?

6. Are you sad and/or grumpy?

7. Are your erections less strong?

8. Have you noticed a recent deterioration in your ability to play sports?

9. Are you falling asleep after dinner?

10. Has there been a recent deterioration in your work performance?

You may have Testosterone Deficiency. We would recommend a consultation with our experts to discuss a treatment

Sex assigned at Birth (i) *

Hassle-Free Online TRT Consultations

Our streamlined consultation process is designed to be effortless and accommodating, ensuring you receive the attention and expert advice you need without the stress. Start your path to revitalised health with a seamless consultation tailored to your schedule and lifestyle.

Personalised Approach

Our bespoke TRT plans are crafted to align with your unique health profile and lifestyle, ensuring you achieve and maintain optimal testosterone levels. Start your tailored wellness journey with us and rediscover your zest for life.

Continuous Care and Support

With Androgenix, you're never alone on your TRT journey. Our dedicated team offers ongoing support and monitoring, adapting your treatment to your evolving needs. Embrace a life of vitality with our comprehensive care and expert guidance every step of the way.

At Androgenix, we offer a Testosterone Replacement Therapy program that is medically managed to bring your testosterone to optimal levels. Our therapy is deeply personalised, involving comprehensive evaluations and tailored adjustments to align with your health and wellness goals effectively.

Experiencing ongoing tiredness, reduced interest in sexual activity, decreased muscle mass, and mood changes might suggest a need for TRT. At Androgenix, we conduct an in-depth assessment, including medical testing and lifestyle evaluations, to determine if TRT is the right approach for you.

With Androgenix, TRT is administered under the strict guidance of our specialised healthcare team, ensuring a safe approach to addressing hormonal imbalances. We emphasise extensive follow-up care and precise monitoring to reduce potential risks and maximise your treatment's effectiveness.

Indeed, Androgenix offers a convenient online booking platform, allowing you to schedule consultations and follow-up appointments easily. This service enables you to manage your TRT plan effortlessly, ensuring a seamless and effective therapy process from the comfort of your home.

Considering Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Italy

For Testosterone Therapy in Italy, Androgenix is the optimal choice. Renowned for its tailored treatments and expert medical staff, Androgenix ensures safe and effective results—Trust Androgenix for personalised care and top-notch hormone replacement therapy.

Why Consider Testosterone Replacement Therapy In Italy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Italy is an effective solution for those suffering from low testosterone symptoms. With tailor-made treatment plans and experienced professionals, Italy offers a conducive environment for optimising hormone levels and reclaiming vitality.


Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Italy provides patients access to quality healthcare facilities and a supportive environment. Italy's holistic approach to medical care ensures that individuals undergoing testosterone therapy receive comprehensive care, empowering them to lead healthier and more fulfilling lives.