TRT Benefits TRT Benefits

Benefits Of TRT: Unlocking The Potential

Reclaiming Wellness: What Are The Main Benefits Of TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy)?

If you're new to hearing about testosterone replacement therapy or TRT, it's normal to feel a bit unsure about all the good things you listen to it can do. 

It seems too incredible. People say it can make you look better, feel happier, improve your love life, boost your confidence, and even make you healthier.

Are these claims valid, or are they exaggerated? Can you expect to experience all these benefits, and if so, how quickly?

Well, the answer is complex. Everyone's different, so the benefits you might notice and how soon you'll notice them can vary from person to person.

Understanding Testosterone Replacement Therapy

Testosterone replacement therapy, or TRT, is a treatment where the hormone testosterone is given to make up for lower levels that the body isn't making enough of on its own.

It's called "replacement" because when you add testosterone from outside the body, the body's production tends to slow down or stop, which can be managed by using another treatment called HCG.

After you turn 30, your testosterone levels usually drop about 1% each year. Also, as you age, a protein called SHBG that binds testosterone increases, meaning less free testosterone is available in your body.

For some men, this drop in testosterone can lead to symptoms of low testosterone. Younger men might have low levels due to other issues like testicular damage from cancer or varicoceles, problems with the pituitary gland, genetic conditions affecting sexual development, or sometimes the cause is just not known.

What Are The Benefits Of TRT? - Reclaiming Balance

  • Feeling happier and less anxious

  • A stronger desire for romantic activities

  • Being more assertive

  • Feeling more confident

  • Better performance in intimate moments

  • Sleeping more soundly

  • Gaining more muscle strength and size

  • Growing a fuller beard

  • Improved blood flow, which is good for your heart and can help with sugar levels in the blood

  • A deeper voice that doesn't change much in pitch

  • Stronger bones

  • Sharper thinking, memory, and concentration

  • Lower chances of death from various causes compared to men not using testosterone therapy

Improved Mood And Cognition

Jung and Shin's study in 2016 found that testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) can help improve mental health for men who don't have enough testosterone. They saw that these men improved at remembering things, thinking clearly, and feeling happier.

They didn't find many side effects from the treatment, and none were severe. A lot of men who started the therapy felt their minds become more apparent, especially if they had been feeling confused or forgetful before, a condition often called 'brain fog'.

The study also mentioned that TRT might help men feel more motivated and driven because it improves blood flow in the brain. This is interesting because our brains have androgen receptors that respond to hormones like testosterone, which means these hormones could be important for how our brain cells work.

The researchers also thought about how TRT could help men with other mental health issues, especially mentioning a study on men with early Alzheimer's. In this study, men with Alzheimer's or mild memory problems who got TRT did better on memory and thinking tests after 
six weeks than those who didn't get the treatment. This suggests TRT might help with brain functions.

This finding is exciting and suggests we need to study it more. There's some evidence that low testosterone can reduce blood flow in parts of the body, and improving testosterone levels can help with conditions like diabetes that also lower blood flow to certain areas.

Improved Libido (Sex Drive)

Hackett, in 2017, discovered that men who have type 2 diabetes and low testosterone levels experienced significant improvements in their sexual desire and how well they could have erections after they started using testosterone replacement therapy. We often notice this in our patients within the first six months of starting TRT.

Khera, in 2011, found that using a testosterone gel as part of TRT helped improve sexual activities, including desire, in a large-scale study with 840 men.

We commonly see these positive changes in our patients within the first 6 months of starting their TRT treatment.

Improved Erectile Function

There are lots of treatments out there for erectile dysfunction, and many work well for guys who have physical reasons, making it hard to get an erection.

But sometimes, the problem isn't just about getting an erection, which could be due to physical or chemical issues in the body. It's also about not feeling the desire or interest in being intimate. This lack of interest and desire can be a big reason behind erectile dysfunction for some men, and it's often linked to having low levels of testosterone.

For men whose erectile dysfunction is because of low testosterone, getting those testosterone levels back to normal can often help them get back to having normal erections.

Is TRT Effective In Extending Your Life And Preventing Ageing?

Even though there are some side effects to watch out for, using testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) the right way can make you healthier and could even help you live longer.

An extensive study recently showed that TRT can lower the chances of dying from any cause, especially when compared to guys who didn't take TRT and had low testosterone levels. There's also good evidence that testosterone is good for your heart's health.

Goodale and their team have said there's no proof that TRT raises the risk of heart problems; much evidence shows it doesn't.

They also mentioned how TRT had been found to help with heart issues, improve the ability to exercise in people with heart failure and help control blood sugar levels in men with diabetes or at risk for diabetes.

Testosterone in men also turns into oestrogen, which is essential. If testosterone levels are low, oestrogen levels are also low, and oestrogen is necessary to protect the heart and bones and aid in healing.

Plus, it's well known that men with low testosterone are more likely to have heart problems compared to men with normal testosterone levels.

Reduced Body Fat, Increased Muscle Mass, And Increased Strength

Many studies show how amazing testosterone can increase
muscle mass and strength and reduce body fat in men.

A lot of men who start taking testosterone notice a significant change in how their body looks pretty quickly.

Testosterone helps build muscle by making the body use proteins better to grow muscles. It also makes your muscles and nerves work together better, making you stronger. This is all part of how testosterone works in the body, including the effects of a related hormone called DHT.

Men with more testosterone usually have less fat around their belly and organs, which is excellent because too much of this kind of fat can be bad for your health and increase the risk of dying earlier.

But TRT isn't a quick fix. While it's great at helping build muscle, it doesn't just melt away fat. Staying active and eating healthy are still very important. The good news is that testosterone can make it easier to stick to your diet and lose fat if that's been tough.

Is TRT Effective In Improving Bone Density?

A common issue linked with low testosterone is a decrease in bone density. This is partly because of the low testosterone itself and partly because of the resulting drop in oestrogen levels, as oestrogen in men is made from testosterone.

Boosting testosterone levels can enhance bone density, especially in the spine, where older men often experience compression fractures.

The primary influence on bone density is likely due to oestradiol levels, which, in men, is a secondary effect of testosterone since it's converted from testosterone by the aromatase enzyme.

Therefore, men with low testosterone tend to have weaker bones, and increasing testosterone levels can also raise oestrogen levels, contributing to stronger bones.

How Long Does It Take For TRT To Start Working?

For most people, it takes about 3 to 6 months to fully experience the benefits of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Some improvements, like stronger bones, less body fat, and more muscle, might keep getting better for more than 6 months.

While many men start seeing some positive changes early in their TRT treatment, many things can affect how quickly these improvements happen.

Firstly, TRT is a journey that needs time to get right. Working closely with your doctor to monitor blood tests and tweak your doses as needed is essential. The initial dose might cause your testosterone and oestrogen levels to go up, which could mask the benefits and make it seem like your testosterone is still low. Sometimes, the starting dose is too low, and you must increase it to get your levels right. In both cases, a blood test by a specialist doctor is critical to ensuring your dose is adjusted safely.

Secondly, the kind of testosterone you use can change how quickly you notice changes. A fast-acting form like testosterone propionate might work quicker than a longer-lasting form like Nebido, which takes more time to start working because of its more extended structure.

Androgenix doctors usually suggest using medium-lasting forms like testosterone cypionate and testosterone enanthate, which can take about 6 weeks to reach complete levels in your blood. However, men with lower testosterone might start to feel better even before these levels are fully built up.

Thirdly, it takes time for some of these improvements to show up. Generally, you might start feeling better in mood and desire in a few weeks to a couple of months if your dose is correct and your oestrogen levels are balanced. Changes in your body, like muscle growth, can take much longer.

Saad and his team in 2011 looked into how long it takes for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) to start working and found that:

  • Interest in sexual activities starts to increase after 3 weeks and levels off at 6 weeks, with no significant changes expected after that.

  • Improvements in erections and ejaculations might take up to 6 months.

  • Positive overall quality of life changes can be noticed within 3–4 weeks, but the full benefits might take longer.

  • Mood changes, particularly in reducing feelings of depression, can be noticed after 3–6 weeks, with the most significant impact seen between 18–30 weeks.

Finally, how quickly you see the benefits of testosterone therapy can also depend on a few personal things:

Starting testosterone levels
: If your testosterone levels are deficient when you begin treatment, you might notice the effects of the added testosterone more quickly.

Sensitivity of androgen receptors
: Some guys might not respond to testosterone as well because their body's androgen receptors (which testosterone needs to work) are less sensitive. This could be from past steroid use. On the other hand, some men have more of these receptors, which helps them react better to the increase in testosterone. This can vary due to something called CAG length.

Other unknown factors:
Some men naturally feel more changes in testosterone and oestrogen. Also, some people's bodies might turn testosterone into oestrogen more quickly because they have more of an enzyme called aromatase. This could make the benefits of testosterone therapy less noticeable for them.


This summary touches on some key benefits of TRT. To truly experience these benefits, seeking specialized treatment with the proper medications is essential.

In the EU, getting hold of these medications can be difficult, and they're only sometimes available through the public healthcare system.

At Androgenix, we offer the highest standard of TRT, tailored to your unique needs and body, ensuring the most effective treatment with minimal side effects.

Our approach includes using HCG to maintain fertility and natural hormone production and to manage hormonal side effects that can occur with TRT alone.

If you're interested in exploring treatment options with us, please reach out for more information and professional guidance.


1. Tchernof, A., Brochu, D., Maltais-Payette, I., Mansour, M.F., Marchand, G.B., Carreau, A.-M., & Kapeluto, J. "Androgens and the Regulation of Adiposity and Body Fat Distribution in Humans."

2. Teede, H.J., et al. "2023 International Evidence-Based Guideline for the Assessment and Management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome."

3. Cherrier, M.M., Matsumoto, A.M., Amory, J.K., Asthana, S., Bremner, W., Peskind, E.R., Raskind, M.A., & Craft, S. "Testosterone Improves Spatial Memory in Men with Alzheimer Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment."

4. Jung, H.J. & Shin, H.S. "Effect of Testosterone Replacement Therapy on Cognitive Performance and Depression in Men with Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome."

5. Hackett, G., Cole, N., Saghir, A., Jones, P., Strange, R.C., & Ramachandran, S. "Testosterone Replacement Therapy: Improved Sexual Desire and Erectile Function in Men with Type 2 Diabetes Following a 30-Week Randomized Placebo-Controlled Study."

6. Khera, M., Bhattacharya, R.K., Blick, G., Kushner, H., Nguyen, D., & Miner, M.M. "Improved Sexual Function with Testosterone Replacement Therapy in Hypogonadal Men: Real-World Data from the Testim Registry in the United States (TRiUS)."

7. Goodale, T., Sadhu, A., Petak, S., & Robbins, R. "Testosterone and the Heart."

8. Griggs, R.C., Kingston, W., Jozefowicz, R.F., Herr, B.E., Forbes, G., & Halliday, D. "Effect of Testosterone on Muscle Mass and Muscle Protein Synthesis."


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